Derry: Faith, Violence, and a Hope for Peace

Derry (Londonderry), Northern Ireland I just left Derry yesterday afternoon, well before the violence occurred late last night. My time here was spent learning about The Troubles during the last half of the 20th century. For 30 years, the tragedies of fighting, suppression, revolt, and loss multiplied. Efforts to establish peace were highlighted with theContinue reading “Derry: Faith, Violence, and a Hope for Peace”

On Set with Rick Steves

Typically, when Rick is on the road researching or filming, I’m either on the road with a tour group or guidebook researching in Europe, or I’m subbing at a private school near our home town.  I’m sure most people can imagine that it’s hard to be apart from one’s partner for a two-month stretch, soContinue reading “On Set with Rick Steves”

Finding God on the Nile

Ask any Egyptian what the Nile River means to his people, and he will surely tell you that it is Life.  For millennia, its waters, silt, and nutrients have nourished the lush farmlands that line its banks.  The abundance of fish still provides a vital food source for Egyptians.  Man has harnessed the power ofContinue reading “Finding God on the Nile”

Thankful for Being Scarred for Life…In the Best Possible Way

About two weeks after Rick and I decided to go on a whitewater river rafting adventure, I started to notice a few new wrinkles on my forehead.  Not deep and permanent ones, but tiny stress-induced worry lines that had surely materialized because of a singular, gnawing fear: hitting my head on a rock while beingContinue reading “Thankful for Being Scarred for Life…In the Best Possible Way”

Food, Friends, and Frankenfish on the Snake River

Living on the river for a few days sure can be rough…so I’ve heard.  Fortunately for me, Rick, and our fellow river rafters, we were living the river life pampered-style. When we would take a break on the shore for lunch or when we would make camp for the night, the crew of Winding Waters,Continue reading “Food, Friends, and Frankenfish on the Snake River”

Slithering Down The Snake River

We got an early start to drive a couple of hours from Joseph, OR to the Hell’s Canyon Dam.  That’s where we would “put in” and begin our rafting adventures on the Snake River.  There were ten guests on this trip and at least that many staff and crew from Winding Waters, Plate & Pitchfork,Continue reading “Slithering Down The Snake River”

Whitewater And Food? Yes, Please!

I don’t know what’s been in the water that Rick and I have been drinking lately, but we cannot get enough of outdoorsy activities.   Maybe it’s a phase, but we’ve sure been bit by the adventure travel bug. Two of Rick’s guidebook-users, Paul and Penny, invited us to join their Winding Waters River Expeditions forContinue reading “Whitewater And Food? Yes, Please!”

Does A Bear $#&% in the Woods?

Does A Bear $#&% in the Woods? I can’t tell you that answer for sure, but I do know they catch salmon in a river. We had been kayaking for about ten minutes when our expedition leader, Laurie, got word on her walkie-talkie that a brown bear had been spotted at the mouth of aContinue reading “Does A Bear $#&% in the Woods?”

Natural Beauty: Worth the Bite

I detest insects.  I can’t help it.  I like spiders, snakes, dogs, cats, cows, chickens, monkeys, and sheep, but not insects.  They tend to bite me…a lot.  So, I generally do my best to avoid them.  My windows are kept closed if there’s no screen, and I wear Off! or a citronella wristband (so fashionable)Continue reading “Natural Beauty: Worth the Bite”