Happy Moon Day: Celebrating Humankind’s Greatest Journey

As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of one of humankind’s greatest accomplishment, I hope you seek out your own journeys of adventure, discovery, connection, and wonderment.

Becoming a Stark: Archery at Winterfell

Tourism based on TV and pop culture is an odd bird, but I have to admit that Game of Thrones is making me a believer. While its story and settings are brilliantly fictitious, many of the filming locations have their own historic, cultural, and eye-catching charms that can be worth a visit for even non-GOTContinue reading “Becoming a Stark: Archery at Winterfell”

Derry: Faith, Violence, and a Hope for Peace

Derry (Londonderry), Northern Ireland I just left Derry yesterday afternoon, well before the violence occurred late last night. My time here was spent learning about The Troubles during the last half of the 20th century. For 30 years, the tragedies of fighting, suppression, revolt, and loss multiplied. Efforts to establish peace were highlighted with theContinue reading “Derry: Faith, Violence, and a Hope for Peace”

Game of Thrones: The Touring Exhibition Hits Belfast

Belfast is hosting Game of Thrones: The Touring Exhibition until September 11, 2019. And it is awesome!