Happy Moon Day: Celebrating Humankind’s Greatest Journey

As we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of one of humankind’s greatest accomplishment, I hope you seek out your own journeys of adventure, discovery, connection, and wonderment.

Italian Experiences with Rick Steves

It’s been more than Rick Steves has led one of our Rick Steves’ Europe Tours, but you’d never know it. His enthusiasm, energy, stamina, knowledge, and love of Europe seems only to have increased with those passing years.  Along with 28 happy tour members, my guide colleague Ben Cameron and I (we’re Rick’s assistants onContinue reading “Italian Experiences with Rick Steves”

Now We’re Cookin’!

Too often when we travel, we frantically fill our schedules with seeing all the major sights, checking things off our bucket lists, and always go-go-going until we’re too exhausted to do much else. Even having a meal is often underappreciated because we rush through it in order to not miss the next thing on ourContinue reading “Now We’re Cookin’!”

The Best of Europe: Florence

For 21 days, Rick and I are tour members on one of his own tours: the Best of Europe. We’re trying to combine vacation with quality control and research. And it’s going great! Join us as we traipse from the Netherlands to Germany, Austria to Italy, and Switzerland to France with a terrific tour guide andContinue reading “The Best of Europe: Florence”

A Date with David

My heart starts pulsing harder as I enter the room.  I know he’s down the hall.  I try not to look, but I can’t help it.  He looks really good; he always does.  There are so many people, but their presence is hardly noticeable to me.  I’m here only for one thing…him. I try toContinue reading “A Date with David”

With A Little Help From My Friends

One of the best ways to enhance your travels is to season it with friends.  Either you can enjoy your present company, meet up with friends who are serendipitously passing through the town you’re in, or make new ones.  I’ve been fortunate enough this summer to do all three. So this blog is a photoContinue reading “With A Little Help From My Friends”