No one ever said, “I wish I would have packed heavier.” But we often think, “I could have packed better.” Here are some tips, tricks, and insights that might help you pack smarter for our avventura in Italia!

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Germany

Confession time: I’m a last-minute packer, sometimes finishing up just hours before a flight. Fortunately, I pack so often that I’ve got my incomprehensible-to-most system down pat. On most trips, procrastination serves as stimulus to “get ‘er done.” Rare is it that something needed is forgotten at home. I get to the airport with sufficientContinue reading “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Germany”

Whitewater And Food? Yes, Please!

I don’t know what’s been in the water that Rick and I have been drinking lately, but we cannot get enough of outdoorsy activities.   Maybe it’s a phase, but we’ve sure been bit by the adventure travel bug. Two of Rick’s guidebook-users, Paul and Penny, invited us to join their Winding Waters River Expeditions forContinue reading “Whitewater And Food? Yes, Please!”