My friend Julie once experimented with “The Year of Trying New Things.” Whenever she encountered something she hadn’t tried or didn’t want to try before (activities, food, routes, ways of thinking), rather than say no to it, she opted to try it…just for kicks. When Rick and I are faced with the choice of doingContinue reading “Conquering Fears and Storming a Castle in Austria”
Tag Archives: fear
Remembering Nice
Earlier this year, my travels brought me to Nice. Since my first visit there 15 years ago, I have been under its delightful spell. And now, like so many, I am deeply saddened by the horrific act of terror inflicted on so many in this Riviera city on the 14th of July. And also likeContinue reading “Remembering Nice”
Let’s NOT Give In To Fear: Lessons We Can Learn from the Attacks on Paris
“Let’s continue traveling so we can better sympathize with the pain of others, to work for understanding, healing, and peace with those who feel hurt or marginalized, and to find solutions to the underlying problems that precipitate the kind of anger and hatred that fuel the fires of terrorism.”
Thankful for Being Scarred for Life…In the Best Possible Way
About two weeks after Rick and I decided to go on a whitewater river rafting adventure, I started to notice a few new wrinkles on my forehead. Not deep and permanent ones, but tiny stress-induced worry lines that had surely materialized because of a singular, gnawing fear: hitting my head on a rock while beingContinue reading “Thankful for Being Scarred for Life…In the Best Possible Way”
Ditch Your Fear and Seize the Day
I couldn’t even begin to look at the scenery around me: the glassy water, the powder blue sky, the regal mountains, and the lush vegetation along the banks of the bay. All my energies and all my attention were focused on not falling into the frigid Alaskan waters. I had no idea what I wasContinue reading “Ditch Your Fear and Seize the Day”