The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

“Please don’t rain yet. Please don’t rain yet. Please don’t rain yet.” My mind looped this mantra, and I plastered an everything’s-alright smile, hoping my face wouldn’t betray my anxiety. Twenty-eight people were following me through the cobblestone streets of Paris, and I didn’t want their only two days with me in my favorite EuropeanContinue reading “The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men”

Natural Beauty: Worth the Bite

I detest insects.  I can’t help it.  I like spiders, snakes, dogs, cats, cows, chickens, monkeys, and sheep, but not insects.  They tend to bite me…a lot.  So, I generally do my best to avoid them.  My windows are kept closed if there’s no screen, and I wear Off! or a citronella wristband (so fashionable)Continue reading “Natural Beauty: Worth the Bite”

Making the Best out of Being Where You Are (part 2 The How-To)

In my previous blog post, I wrote: Whether you’re away on vacation or just living like a local on “staycation”, whether it’s your virgin visit or you know the place like a pro, find alternate ways to enjoy the place you’re visiting.  You have the opportunity and the choice to do something beyond the ordinary,Continue reading “Making the Best out of Being Where You Are (part 2 The How-To)”