Worth the Wait: A COVID-19 Love Story

In trying to start this post, I went back through my website archives to figure out when I first launched The Travelphile, and it surprised me to discover that it’s been 8 years since I shared my first article on this website. So much has happened in my life since then: remarkable travel experiences, theContinue reading “Worth the Wait: A COVID-19 Love Story”

Happy 65th Birthday, Rick Steves!

Happy 65th Birthday, to this guy right here! Please add your own captions and birthday wishes! And if you have any photos with the big guy, we’d love to see those too! For even more candid photos of Rick Steves, check out the original post on The Travelphile Facebook Page.  

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! I want to take this opportunity to thank my mom, Virginia, for filling my life with love and learning. Among countless valuable lessons I’ve learned from her, I’m exceptionally grateful to her for teaching me about the value of travel from such an early age. My parents weren’t wealthy, but they prioritizedContinue reading “Happy Mother’s Day”

How YOU Doin’?

Restrictions are lifting where I live. Starbucks has re-opened some of their stores but only for mobile-order pickup. I’m really curious to know what’s happening and changing where you live, so please share your tales (and photos) with us. Stay healthy and take care, everyone! (This article was originally posted on May 6, 2020 onContinue reading “How YOU Doin’?”

¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo, everyone (and belatedly, May the Fourth Be With You)! While I will admittedly be mackin’ down on some yummy *comida mexicana* today (let’s face it: any excuse to eat tacos ?), have you ever wondered what we’re actually celebrating on the Fifth of May? Is it commemorate: a. an indigenous religiousContinue reading “¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo!”

A Beachin’ Day in San Diego

I’m not one who believes we should be opening up the entire economy right now (and we can civilly agree to disagree on that). I’m more concerned about the collective health and safety of the people in our society, and I’m grateful to the front-line, essential workers and to all the people who are thinkingContinue reading “A Beachin’ Day in San Diego”

Turn Your Airline Sleep Mask into a Face Mask

In early April 2020, in order to protect ourselves and others, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) advised that everyone wear some type of face covering ?when in public. Some cities and counties throughout the United States have now made varying degrees of that instruction a mandate for essential businesses and their customers, as wellContinue reading “Turn Your Airline Sleep Mask into a Face Mask”

Once Upon a Time in Tuscany

A few years ago, I was gifted a ticket to see Andrea Bocelli in concert at the theater he helped create in Tuscany called Teatro del Silenzio. Full of gorgeous operatic and pop music, guest performers, dancing, fanfare, spectacle, and even a white tiger, it was a mesmerizing, unforgettable event. And it gave me anContinue reading “Once Upon a Time in Tuscany”

So, What’s New?

So, what’s new? As I mentioned in my last post, a lot has been happening and changing in my life these past 24 months or so, and it’s time we got caught up. I am going to share some fairly personal things and bare my story to you with the intent of recognizing and respectingContinue reading “So, What’s New?”