Anyone who’s ever been to Rome knows that it’s impossible to contain all of its magnificence in a handful of photos, but that doesn’t stop most travelers from trying. There are (quite literally) millennia of things to see, explore, taste, and experience in this city that was once the center of the largest empire inContinue reading “Rome by the Dozen: 12 Images of The Eternal City”
Tag Archives: statue
Letting Fate Be Your Guide in Venice
Letting Fate Be Your Guide in Venice It’s early morning. 6:30 to be exact. I’ve yet to take my shower, but centuries-old buildings are bathing in amber-and rose-tinted sunlight and summon me for a visit. There’s so much to do today, and I need to maximize my time here. Ninety minutes of Venice practically allContinue reading “Letting Fate Be Your Guide in Venice”