Iditarod: The Official Start

As Rick Steves’ sister, Jan Steves (with her team of sixteen canine companions) mushes her way through the snow-blanketed Alaskan wilderness of her second Iditarod Trail Race, I’m wrapping up my three-part series on my behind-the-scenes perspective on what it was like last year at her debut  in the “Last Great Race on Earth.” TheContinue reading “Iditarod: The Official Start”

Iditarod: Ceremonial Start

As Rick Steves’ sister, Jan Steves, continues on her second Iditarod adventure, I’m continuing my three-part series on what it was like last year at her debut  in the “Last Great Race on Earth.” The original article was posted on Jan’s blog on March 4, 2012. Snow dances its way onto the ground and ticklesContinue reading “Iditarod: Ceremonial Start”

Iditarod: A Little Help from Jan’s Friends

Rick Steves’ sister, Jan Steves, starts her second Iditarod competition this weekend in Anchorage, Alaska. While Rick and I couldn’t be there this year, I’m sharing my behind-the-scenes experiences with my three-part series from last year when I was a guest blogger on Jan’s website. Follow along to see what it’s really like to getContinue reading “Iditarod: A Little Help from Jan’s Friends”