With A Little Help From My Friends

One of the best ways to enhance your travels is to season it with friends.  Either you can enjoy your present company, meet up with friends who are serendipitously passing through the town you’re in, or make new ones.  I’ve been fortunate enough this summer to do all three. So this blog is a photoContinue reading “With A Little Help From My Friends”

Making the Best out of Being Where You Are (part 1 — The Paris Staycation)

Summertime in Paris can sometimes be a real grind for American tourists.  It’s the pinnacle of high season when the majority of families coordinate their kids’ vacation with time off from work.  If going with the flow isn’t your strong suit, the energy can be unbearably crushing.  Most museums can be inundated with tourists fromContinue reading “Making the Best out of Being Where You Are (part 1 — The Paris Staycation)”