My Egyptian Friend, Tarek From Cairo

In earlier posts, you learned about my travels throughout Egypt with Rick Steves.  The man who made our trip such a rewarding learning experience was our friend and guide from Cairo, Tarek.  We are so grateful to have met such a kind, professional, sincere man to teach us about such a beautiful country, its history,Continue reading “My Egyptian Friend, Tarek From Cairo”

Contemporary Egypt

On our trip through Egypt, we hit most major historical and architectural sites in Cairo, Alexandria and Luxor: the Pyramids of Giza, the new great library Biblioteka Alexandrina, the temples at Luxor and Karnak, and the tombs in the Valley of the Kings.  Stunning and powerful, one and all.  But equally fascinating to me wasContinue reading “Contemporary Egypt”

Women, Religion, and Politics in Egypt

As a woman, I cherish the hard-earned rights, freedom, and respect that my gender enjoys in America and throughout the Western World.  We’ve come a long way in the last century, but we still face challenges and work diligently to hurdle them.  And because we recognize the value and contributions of women, no matter whereContinue reading “Women, Religion, and Politics in Egypt”

Breaking News: Minds Blown in Cairo

Coming to Egypt, I packed way more than I should have: four pairs of pants, two skirts, eight tank tops, two short-sleeve shirts, four long-sleeve shirts, three super slim sweaters, a dress, a denim jacket, a light rain jacket, four pairs of shoes, and my entire bathroom drawer (note: I’m on a two-month trip toContinue reading “Breaking News: Minds Blown in Cairo”

Time-traveling in Egypt

By and large, I’m a visual learner–I need to see it to understand it.  I’m not the kind of gal who’s skilled at just “imagining” something.  While books, photos, and movies are helpful, traveling and seeing things with my own eyes is, for me, the best way to comprehend a culture’s history and contemporary realities.Continue reading “Time-traveling in Egypt”

Welcome in Cairo!

When Rick and I started telling people about our plans to visit Egypt, their first reaction was generally, “Wow, aren’t you scared?” followed by, “That’s on my Bucket List. I’d love to go there.”  We’re on a scouting trip for two new TV shows that Rick will do on Egypt.  While he’s been here twiceContinue reading “Welcome in Cairo!”