Oh, the Alps. Glorious. Majestic. Breathtaking. They’re the mountains of your dreams, every hiker’s delight, and a “must” destination for so many. For the past week and a half, Rick and I have been leading 26 tour members through the Alps from Austria to Italy to Germany and to Switzerland. And now we’ve arrived inContinue reading “Why Climb Every Mountain When You Can Take the Lift?”
Tag Archives: alps
Conquering Fears and Storming a Castle in Austria
My friend Julie once experimented with “The Year of Trying New Things.” Whenever she encountered something she hadn’t tried or didn’t want to try before (activities, food, routes, ways of thinking), rather than say no to it, she opted to try it…just for kicks. When Rick and I are faced with the choice of doingContinue reading “Conquering Fears and Storming a Castle in Austria”
The Dynamite Dolomites: Easy to Access, Easy to Love
I’m not what one would call an outdoorsy kind of person, and no one ever mistook me for a Birkenstock-wearing “granola girl,” but I sure do love hiking in the Alps. Our outdoor-loving and nature-respecting European counterparts make getting there so easy. From well-groomed trails and mountain huts to clear signage and industrial-strength cable lifts,Continue reading “The Dynamite Dolomites: Easy to Access, Easy to Love”
Are You Gonna Go My Way?
Not all travelers are created equal. Whether you’re a bold adventurer, culture vulture, foodie fanatic , history buff, or nature-lover, how you travel can be as important as why you travel and where you go. As an avid travel and tour guide, I know that incorporating our personal passions—and even our individual idiosyncrasies—into our travelsContinue reading “Are You Gonna Go My Way?”