My friend Julie once experimented with “The Year of Trying New Things.” Whenever she encountered something she hadn’t tried or didn’t want to try before (activities, food, routes, ways of thinking), rather than say no to it, she opted to try it…just for kicks. When Rick and I are faced with the choice of doingContinue reading “Conquering Fears and Storming a Castle in Austria”
Category Archives: History
Remembering Nice
Earlier this year, my travels brought me to Nice. Since my first visit there 15 years ago, I have been under its delightful spell. And now, like so many, I am deeply saddened by the horrific act of terror inflicted on so many in this Riviera city on the 14th of July. And also likeContinue reading “Remembering Nice”
Market Day in Freiburg: The More Things Change…
Unless today’s Sunday, it’s Market Day in Freiburg. As early as six in the morning, merchants and farmers from near and far descend upon the town, setting up their tents and stalls and artfully displaying their harvests and wares. As sleepy-eyed Freiburgers awake to a new day, the market begins to pulse with activity. ?Continue reading “Market Day in Freiburg: The More Things Change…”
Cuba: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again
The Cuba of your mind’s eye is alive and well…sort of. Any visitor to this Caribbean island expecting to see gumball-colored Chevys and Pontiacs from the 50s, tin can Russian Ladas, and the fading pastel patina of art deco buildings will not be disappointed. A trip to Cuba is a virtual time-tunnel to a yesteryearContinue reading “Cuba: Let’s Do the Time Warp Again”
Bienvenido a Havana: Cuba at First Glance
Weary from 14 hours of travel (in the middle seat of three different airplanes from Seattle to Mexico City to Havana), my body longed for a simple bed to sleep in, but my mind was awhirl with anticipation of a trip of a lifetime. Rick, his son Andy, his daughter Jackie, and I were Cuba-bound,Continue reading “Bienvenido a Havana: Cuba at First Glance”
St Kitts: Lessons in History, Emancipation, Culture Shock, and Women’s Lib–Part I
The Captain woke us up at 7am. His Italian accent came in loud and clear of the P.A. system, and from his heavy tone, we instantly knew he was not the bearer of good news. For the second time on this cruise, we would be unable to weigh anchor and take tenders, or shuttle boats,Continue reading “St Kitts: Lessons in History, Emancipation, Culture Shock, and Women’s Lib–Part I”
12 Hours in San Juan, Puerto Rico Part 2: From Boricua to Mofongo
After Tarzan-ing through Puerto Rico’s tropical forest, we freshened up on the ship and headed back out into the city of San Juan. We opted out of a ship excursion because we craved an authentic feel for the place. But we’d already discovered that the guidebooks we bought were lacking in any real content, context,Continue reading “12 Hours in San Juan, Puerto Rico Part 2: From Boricua to Mofongo”
Best of Europe: There’s No Place Like Rome
For 21 days, Rick and I are tour members on one of his own tours: the Best of Europe. We’re trying to combine vacation with quality control and research. And it’s going great! Join us as we traipse from the Netherlands to Germany, Austria to Italy, and Switzerland to France with a terrific tour guide andContinue reading “Best of Europe: There’s No Place Like Rome”
The Best of Europe: Florence
For 21 days, Rick and I are tour members on one of his own tours: the Best of Europe. We’re trying to combine vacation with quality control and research. And it’s going great! Join us as we traipse from the Netherlands to Germany, Austria to Italy, and Switzerland to France with a terrific tour guide andContinue reading “The Best of Europe: Florence”
Best of Europe: The Charm of Venice
If you’ve been to Venice and haven’t been allured by its charm, you did it wrong. Too often people day-trip or cruise into Venice, stick to only the touristy sections (namely the area encompassing Rialto and Piazza San Marco), and never get beyond their comfort zone to allow themselves to discover the true magic ofContinue reading “Best of Europe: The Charm of Venice”