New York, NY part 1: Little Bites of the Big Apple

My partner Rick and I recently took trip to New York with a large part of the Steves Family: his son Andy, daughter Jackie, sister Linda, youngest niece Caleigh, and eldest niece (and amazing artist) Nicolina.  Part family vacation, part art tour of Nicolina’s works, we got to know the city better than we everContinue reading “New York, NY part 1: Little Bites of the Big Apple”

Walk Like a Roman

When I think of Rome, I recall ancient sites, coin-filled Baroque fountains, sexy (and not-so-sexy) men casting Ciao, Bellas at every passing female, and platefuls of pasta that, without fail, end up blissfully in my belly.  Equally engrained in my brain are nostalgic, cinematic images of Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn zipping on a VespaContinue reading “Walk Like a Roman”