Market Day in Freiburg: The More Things Change…

Unless today’s Sunday, it’s Market Day in Freiburg. As early as six in the morning, merchants and farmers from near and far descend upon the town, setting up their tents and stalls and artfully displaying their harvests and wares. As sleepy-eyed Freiburgers awake to a new day, the market begins to pulse with activity. ?Continue reading “Market Day in Freiburg: The More Things Change…”

Cuba: Just the Facts, Ma’am

Rick Steves and I have been getting so many requests regarding the logistics of our Cuba trip. And with travel restrictions slowly easing for Americans, we know more and more people will soon be heading to our neighbor in the Caribbean. With that in mind, Rick has asked me to create a nitty gritty listContinue reading “Cuba: Just the Facts, Ma’am”