Best of Europe: On the Rhine

For 21 days, Rick and I are tour members on one of his own tours: The Best of Europe. We’re trying to combine vacation with quality control and research.  And it’s going great! Join us as we traipse from the Netherlands to Germany, Austria to Italy, and Switzerland to France with a terrific tour guide,Continue reading “Best of Europe: On the Rhine”

Scenes from a Guide Summit

Name 20 countries from the European Union. Imagine the “typical” citizens of those countries–their features, their demeanors, their gestures, their accents. Now picture a collection of 120 people from those countries who are passionate aficionados on the history, art, culture, politics, and people of those motherlands all descending on a small town just north ofContinue reading “Scenes from a Guide Summit”

Is There a Doctor in l’Hôtel?

You know that tickle-throat, on-the-verge-of-a-festering-cold feeling?  The one that tells you “If you ignore me, it can only go horribly wrong from here”?  Yeah, it sucks.  But you know what’s worse?  Ignoring it while you’re traveling abroad. Such was my lot seven weeks into a nine-week stint on the road, earlier this year.  I hadContinue reading “Is There a Doctor in l’Hôtel?”