Chicago: Travel Shows, Tours, and a Birthday

One of my favorite “side gigs” as a Rick Steves’ guide is promoting our tours at the Travel & Adventure Show every winter. This 2-day event happens in a different major city almost every weekend from January to March. Thousands flock to the city’s convention center, which is jammed aisle after aisle with travel boothsContinue reading “Chicago: Travel Shows, Tours, and a Birthday”

Mayhem and Courtesy in Chicago

Tribal beats of ancient druid drums thumped and reverberated in my chest, and the ringing in my ears seemed to be in perfect pitch with the wailing music.  Flashes of colored light hauntingly illuminated the gathering of devotees who swayed and swarmed in feverish rapture.  I had never been to such a gathering, and myContinue reading “Mayhem and Courtesy in Chicago”