The French DON’T Hate Americans

I’ve wrapped up a Rick Steves’ Paris and the Heart of France tour as an assistant guide, and I feel blessed to have been on tour with Julie.  As an American ex-pat raising her children in the Burgundy region of France, she has so much insight into the French psyche, customs and history.  And having grown up in the States, she uses her understanding of the American psyche to bridge the two cultures for our tour members. I find that, with rare exception, most people who travel are open to learning something new and that those who refuse to have their own beliefs challenged are often content to never cross the comfort of their own cultural and national borders.

What can be frustrating as a teacher or tour guide is when people manage to pack, along with their too-full suitcase, their negative assumptions about another culture.  I know I’ve been guilty of it in my youth, but traveling has helped me shatter those preconceived notions.  It’s refreshing is to encounter someone who actively seeks ways to learn the truth and to question why they have been clinging to those preconceptions, and it’s a wonderful challenge to help navigate a path to finding the real answers.

Such is the case with a woman I met on tour.  Early in the trip, she explained that she had traveled to France years ago and had had a supremely positive experience.  But, she explained, over the last ten years or so, she often heard from people she knew, certain politicians and from some media that the French hate Americans.  She asked in earnest, “What went wrong?”

The quick answer is, “Nothing. The French don’t hate Americans.”

Now this woman is a thinking, successful and independent-minded person.  Yet somehow, she had been convinced that an entire country hated (and hate is a strong word) her country.  Why?  We explored lots of reasons in our discussion but we had to clarify the misconception first.  No, the French do not hate Americans.  There are many individuals who disagree strongly with American foreign policy — and its (sometimes) negative effects on so many other countries — or those who perhaps resent the domination of U.S.-based multinational companies who have “invaded” France, but they do not hate America or Americans.

Standing proud together — the French and U.S. flags
France and America have a long history together that dates back to our colonial era and continues to the present-day with political, social and economic links.  It hasn’t always been chummy, but we remain intertwined because we respect and depend on each other.  Some of our Founding Fathers spent quality time in France.  The French Revolution and les Droits de l’Homme or the Rights of Man share common influences with the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence.  France bestowed a grand gift to the U.S. that has become one of our national icons – The Statue of Liberty.  Both countries were allies in WWII, and to this day, the French people are deeply grateful for the U.S. effort in liberating France from the Nazis.  Yet people ignorantly mistake France’s choice to not support certain recent international political and military actions by the U.S. as being against the U.S.  Just because they don’t agree with some of our policies does not suddenly make them an enemy.

In fact, if you speak with most visitors to France, you’ll find that they have had wonderful and memorable one-on-one experiences with the French people.  Despite all their cultural formalities, the French are a charming people with a fascination for (almost) all things American. On occasion you may encounter a French person whom you may consider rude, but does that mean all of them are?  Of course not.  If you met a Californian who treated you poorly, would you think all Californians hate you?  No, because that’s just ridiculous.  It’s important to keep in mind that anyone can have a bad day.  Sometimes we’re the recipients of it.  Sometimes we inflict it on others.  But at heart, most people are good people.  It’s when people start believing the negative and misinformed talk from closed-minded individuals or biased media outlets that wrong impressions spread.  Don’t believe the hype.  Better yet, find out the truth for yourself and go experience the real thing.

Our tour group had the chance to have real experiences with locals in every town we visited.  They learned about the depth of gratitude and respect that the French have for America.  On one of our last days, a British guide named Dale (a specialist in WWII history and the D-day Beaches) led us through Normandy.  He is a vibrant and knowledgeable storyteller and had us wrapped around his finger from the get-go.  He explained to us how villages throughout France, and in Normandy in particular, commonly have a memorial erected in gratitude to the U.S. troops who helped liberate them.  They don’t merely exist.  They’re lovingly cared for day after day by the descendants of the people who perished in that war and of the people who managed to survive because of our help.  It’s those villagers who keep those memories alive, who cherish the precious liberty they enjoy (due in part to the help of the Allied Forces), who raise the funds to create and sustain those memorials, and who pass on their respect and gratitude for the U.S. onto their children.

Dale took us to meet the mayor of village in Normandy, who showed us the village church that was used as an infirmary by two brave American soldiers to tend to their gravely wounded fellow soldiers, villagers, and (despite the order to “take no prisoners” – meaning, shoot to kill), injured German soldiers.  Stained glass windows were specially made to commemorate their selfless efforts.  When Dale explained how young these two soldiers were, how little medical training they had had, how they managed to save all but one of the 80 or so wounded, and their bravery and compassion – even for the enemy – all of us had to wipe away our tears.

With Julie as translator, the mayor explains how his village church was used as a make-shift infirmary during WWII.

A stained glass window commemorates the U.S. efforts during the D-Day invasions.

Dale teaches us about the D-Day invasions and U.S. strategies.
Throughout the day we learned about the tactical strategies surrounding D-day, the numerous ways that things did not go according to plan, and the determination of all the Allied Troops to find a way to succeed despite the setbacks.  We visited the beaches and countryside where our ancestors fought to ensure and protect the freedoms of others.  And we paid our respects at the American Cemetery to the fallen American soldiers who succumbed to the onslaught of the German forces.  The father of one of our tour members was a soldier during the D-Day invasions.  In his honor, we were able to have the tour member participate in the flag lowering ceremony.  Having taken the time to learn about the sacrifices made by so many – American, British, Canadian and French alike, to have learned about how grateful the French were and continue to be to this day, and to have a link to a very real past through our own tour member was enough to bring us all, once again, to tears.

Memories of the D-Day invasions remain strong in Normandy.

Part of a memorial at Pointe du Hoc

The flag ceremony at the American Cemetery in Normandy
It’s hard for most of us (with the exception of the 1% of our population whose families are involved in the military) to understand the power, destruction, devastation, loss, and suffering of real war. The people of France know it well.  In WWI (1914-1918), more than 1.5 million of their countrymen died and more than 4.5 million were wounded. In WWII (1939-1945), upwards of 560,000 died.   Compare that with the number of U.S. deaths and injured in recent wars – Gulf War (1990-91): 1,231; Iraq (2003-2011): 36,395; Afghanistan (2001-present): ~13,000.  France is criticized for not wanting to engage in U.S.-led wars and all that goes along with it, but we have to remember that it’s not because they are against freedom or democracy or American interests.  It’s because they know, better than most, what the effects of war really are.

Our tour has gone to different areas around France, tasting regional wine and food specialties, seeing cultural, historic, religious and artistic sites and icons, and admiring the natural wonders that this country has to offer.  This country, that is roughly the size of Texas, is diverse and varied in so many ways because of influences from centuries of war, allegiances, and commerce with the Romans, the Vikings, the British, the Spanish, the Austrians, the Germans, the Italians, and its former colonies.  The French are proud of their history and cherish what they have become because of it.  We started in Paris, which combines the very best of France’s history and traditions with its modern aspirations for the future.  We traveled to central France, the Loire Valley, Brittany, and Normandy – not just physically, but also through time, seeing Roman, Medieval, Gothic, Renaissance, Classical, Neo-classical and Belle Époque structures.  We discovered links we never realized from Clovis I to Napoleon III.  And we experienced real interactions with the people of France that help both sides come to a better appreciation for one another.  More than any trinket or photo, this will be our best souvenir. The 27 members of this tour are going back home with a better understanding of the French, and hopefully, they’ll share what they’ve learned with others to help dispel false impressions.

By the way, the woman I mentioned earlier – she’s now planning her next visit to France and wants to start taking classes to learn to speak French so she can connect even better with the people she meets here.  And that is the power of travel.

23 thoughts on “The French DON’T Hate Americans

  1. What a powerful experience, and excellent article. Entirely my experience (so it must be true!) But seriously, the reality of who you meet and how they feel about us is so different from the stories we’re told and pre-conceived notions that otherwise thoughtful and intelligent people will warn you about! Now, for my “freedom fries”. (how embarrassing!)
    Thanks for posting this! Also, continued great photos!

    1. You’re right, Leslie. And all the old adages about travel are true, especially the quote from Mark Twain: Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Thanks, once more, for following my blog and being so supportive, Leslie.

  2. We really are the blessed ones who can share your experiences; really makes us want to go to France the more!!! We are learning with you – we are living the experiences with you!! What a great storyteller and communicator!!!! Love, love, love!!!!!

  3. Your comments about France’s attitude toward war, and the French peoples’ appreciation of the history and involvement shared by our two countries, is beautifully noted.

  4. Trish, what a great example of the value of travel. Thanks for grappling with that tough question and sharing vivid specifics that brought us right there with you. Like half an omelet…I wanted more. I’ll look forward hungrily to your next essay. Keep on traveling!

  5. Bonjour Trish. I found your blog on Rick Steve’s Facebook page a few minutes ago. I browsed your recent posts, and this one caught my eye (when you look at my name you will know why 🙂 I truly enjoyed this piece you wrote last summer. As a local French instructor specializing in travel preparation, I get to answer the infamous “Do the French hate Americans?” question all too often. I will mention this post when I reply from now on. I happen to blog, as you do. Last June, I wrote a story to celebrate the anniversary of D-Day. The response was very good. I am attaching a link and hope you find the time to visit. I will be “Following” your excellent blog from now on. Stop by chez French Girl in Seattle when you get a chance 🙂 A bientôt, Veronique (French GIrl in Seattle)

  6. That is wonderful. I’ve heard that negative stereotype for years–the French are stuck-up, they’re wimps, they dislike tourists, etc. Perhaps that’s true for a few, but like you said here, don’t judge a country by how a few of its people act. I’m learning a little French now in preparation for a couple days in Paris, just in case I get to use it!


  7. We will be going to France in the fall to visit our children who live in Grenoble. A side trip to Normandy is on my husband’s list and I’d love to find a tour by your tour guide, Dale. Can you help me contact him? Loved your trip write-up. Sharon

  8. Insightful comments. For a thorough study of french antiamericanism, read author Philippe Roger’s book “the American enemy. A history of french antiamericanism” which shows that prejudices and clichés always existed and hardly changed since the creation of the American nation.

  9. Hello, Trish. My husband and I were on a tour in France with you and Arnaud in 2012 and had the same amazing experience with Dale in Normandy. That was an emotionally tough day for us and those pictures still bring tears to my eyes. France was our second Rick Steves tour and we decided to try England on our own last year. This year we’re taking two daughters and hitting the hot spots in Austria and Switzerland on our own. Then Jim and I will brave an additional week in eastern France and Paris by ourselves. We’re getting adventurous in our old age and are loving our experiences. Preconceived notions of people and cultures is such a waste of energy. Traveling opens your eyes, ignites your imagination and creativity, and motivates you to try new things like foie gras and escargot!

    1. Hi, Robyn! That was a memorable tour for me, working with Arnaud and meeting great tour membersDale is a stellar Normandy guide, as is his colleague Stuart. They make the history come to life and help us to connect with our raw emotions. It’s a tough but moving experience.
      I hope you had a lovely time in England (I was just on our London tour), and I’m sure you’re going to love Austria, Switzerland, and eastern France. I love that you’re embracing travel in this way and fostering your adventurous spirits.

  10. hello to you I saw your site by accident
    We do not hate the Americans! what stupid idea !!
    I know the American history (the tea party paul revere washington lafayette battle york tow rochambeau Benjamin Franklin
    paul revere was French Huguenot origin name was rivoire become revere
    I know there are about 15 million in the United states of American with french origins
    many cities have french names (detroit new orleans baton rouge lafayette paris saint louis city monks fort laramie (laramee) the cadillac car is the name of the Marquis de cadillac founder of detroit ect ect
    I am 68 years old I was born in 1946 my father fought in Korea with the American army in the French battalion Korea
    the head of the battalion was Colonel montclar
    then I tell you you’re American you welcome in France and we love you
    I went to miami usa louisiana and a great memory for me

    thank you for reading this message
    with all my friendship
    I hope you will understand my bad english

    1. Hi, Bill. No, I’ve been leading tours for a few years now. And occasionally I assist on other tours that I don’t lead to help out a colleague or to be a representative for our home office. I had re-posted this blog entry to Facebook today for Veterans’ Day. Thanks for taking time to read the article for your kind words. Take care!

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